Monday, June 30, 2008

There's a Snake in My Boots/Strawberries

Well, I wanted to sit down and do a blog for today but I think I will write about yesterday as it was a better day. Yesterday we drove to see mom and dad and had lunch with them. Mom was taking me to see some flowers in the back yard and she noticed a green scaly tail belonging in a snake!! It was really quite exciting and all of us sat and snake watched until it slithered away. It was quite exciting! Who would think that a snake would live in mom's back yard in the terrace?? Anyhoo, the rest of the day was nice and we went to see a family friend to introduce them to the girls and then just sat in the front yard and played catch with numero dos. During this time, numero uno played in the grass and took pictures with dad. All in all, it was a pretty good day.

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