Monday, January 5, 2009

Tattle Tails

Have I told you that I don't like tattle tails. I am not sure if that is spelled tails or tales or even tells. I guess all of them make sense.

Anyway, my little girls have become the biggest tattle tails. Sugar will say, "she looked at me" and then Berry will say, "she hit me". Yesterday, Berry told me that "Sugars cereal is getting soggy" in her tell tale way. Then one of them said,
"she spilled her milk." They just volley tattles between one another.

"Mom, she hit me."
"Mom she hit me."
"She took my toy."
"She touched me."

I can't think of all of the things that I have heard but my absolute favorite by far is, "mom, she tattled on me!"


Cygnus said...

Ha ha ha ha! I love that you blog about the house goings-on. I get to read all the updates while I'm trudging away here.

I sure do love you, sweetie!

The Dixon Gang said...

I have never had my husband post to me on my blog, too funny! :)