Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Snails in Toothbrush cups and popsicles

So Sugar just asked her daily question of can i have a popsicle? Today, reluctantly, I gave in. Then after the girls were outside eating thier popsicles, Sugar said, "here mom, I need to give you something." I went to the door and she handed me the girls' toothbrush cup. "What"?? "What is this doing outside"? "I used it for my snail." she sweetly said. Needless to say that cup is in the sink waiting to be washed. Yuck!!


The Dixon Gang said...

That is funny. You can never quite be sure what has happened with any object the children have used for their own purposes. Especially if it's been outside or in the bathroom :)

happy mom said...

Amanda asks to have popsicles constantly! I hppe sharing your stories help. I know it helps me!

I can't believe they used the cup for a snail.

and I do know what you mean about the food fights!