Monday, July 21, 2008

Our Church is great!!

So I just wanted to post a blog that our church is absolutely wonderful! For those of you who do not know which church I am talking about, I am talking about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!! Not only is it completely true, inspired, and brings true happiness, but what other church helps you prepare for calamities as well as ours does??

Just this last week, my husband and I went with some friends, C and J, to do some dry food canning. It was so great!! We went to the center and chose which types of dry foods we wanted to can and then went to work. We canned some spaghetti noodles, macoroni, and dry milk. They had some extra dry onions and beans so I bought some of those as well. The great thing about this is that they will last up to 30 years. It was a wonderful experience and we are planning going canning with my friends at least once a month. I encourage you all to try this!! You just need to find the center closest to you and call to make an appointment, but hurry, because they are extremely busy lately with everything going on in our economy. I feel so much better just going one time and I plan to go many more. Well, just a toot for our church! Our leaders truly are inspired and trying to help us prepare in any way that they can. :)

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