Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hi, I am writing this today as my two cute little girls are sleeping. I guess I want to write about a recent decision that I have made. A few weeks ago I got a burr in my butt that I needed to decide if I need to quit my job or not. For those of you who do not know, I am a SLP and as of last week employed by the current school district.
I absolutely love being an SLP and I think that I am starting to get the hang of it. I mean, I am not perfect at it and am definitely still learning but I am starting to see alot of improvements in my clients and loving it. It feels so good to be able to call a parent and say ,"Johnny has completed all of his goals and I would like to test him to see if he is able to be released from speech and language services." It is an even bigger thrill to be able to call the parents and let them know that "Johnny has just passed his articulation exam and has completed his goals. If you have no concerns I would like to release him." Wow, what a great thing. But, I digress, as I was saying I started to wonder if since I have these lovely girls if I should stay home with them. Maybe for some people, this would be an easy decision, but let me tell you, I tossed and turned with this one. I love my girls but I also love my job and I figured that I could work part time. Well, I did not feel right about that and in the end, I had to call my department head and let her know that I needed to quit. Only then did I feel peace.
So here I am, as of a 7/25 at 3:14 p.m. I am officially a stay at home mom. I feel good about my decision but terrified. Can we do it financially and am I physically, emotionally, and mentally capable of this decision?? Well, I decided to follow my feelings and this is where they led me. I know that everything will be okay and once next year starts I am sure that I will be able to see why I needed to make this decision. However, sometimes, right now I feel like I have lost my identity as an SLP which is a hard thing for me because for so many years that was all I was a wife and an SLP. When I did not have children at least I had my husband and my job to bring me joy. Now, I do have children and they do bring me joy and I want to be there for them but it is such a big change. I want to end this blog some clever way but nothing is coming. I am just a scared, new mom. Has anyone ever felt like this??


Anonymous said...

Lori, every single person who took the plunge to become a stay at home mom has felt this way. Trust me!!!

My one bit of advice though, find something you enjoy and do it for you. I play in the symphony and am taking a photography class... other people love to read or whatever. Just make sure that you take time for you and the decision won't feel so hard...

The Dixon Gang said...

So, are you still loving life at home? It was hard for me at first. I like the other comment posted about finding something for yourself. I bet the girls are in heaven having you home all the time huh!!