Hello all three or four of you that read this. I hope life is treating you well. I thought that I would actually add a picture today. It is an older picture of the girls. I am always seeing the girls doing things that I wish I could put on my poor, generic blog but never have a camera handy. I will try and be better at this. My sweet husband gave me a camera for that very purpose. I guess the lack of pictures allows you to use your creativity though and that is a good thing right?
Anyhow, I really don't have all that much going on right now. I did have a moment yesterday though that I wanted to share. Last night, Chris was late coming home for work and when he is late, that means we eat later and I get to entertain the girls longer. Well, time was inching closer to when Chris would walk through the door and the girls were getting antsier and getting into everything. I swear the way these girls act is inversely proportionate to whether they are hungry or not. If they are hungry, it can go two ways, either they get super whiny, cry a lot and get really mean, or they turn into two little destructive giggling tornadoes that tear everything apart and it does not matter what I say to them, they can not be calmed until there is food in their tummies.
Well, I digress, last night they chose to be tornadoes and I was on my last nerve of the day if you know what I mean. I could have gotten flustered but something entered my mind that just hit me with furiosity. I started thinking how much I loved them and how glad I was that they were with us and how blessed we were. It was kind of funny that I started thinking that at that moment but somehow my frustration and anger melted away and all i could think about was how lucky I was that they were in my home. Needless to say, I made it until Chris got home.
Moment #2
Today, was another day that was difficult for me. Berry has been sick most of this week and her strength is just coming back. Berry is a very active little girl and when well is into everything. Now, since she has been ill, she feels that she needs to be extra inquisitive and active. Today, she was exerting all of her energy into exploration and pushing the limits. I was none too happy with her and was unfortunately quite agitated with her.
Anyway,we were on our way to pick up Sugar from preschool, when something in front of me caught my eye. I saw something odd that transformed into a slow motion wreck. The two cars in front of me collided and both cars crumbled. I was speechless and confused. The lady in a car at the nearby intersection jumped out of her car to help and I realized that since I was nearby and had been certified in CPR I was obligated to help as well. I pulled over and went to help the two cars and saw one of the drivers, an old man, who was all shaken up trying to call his family members. I ended up leaving the scene since there was nothing that I could do for them and I did not remember who hit whom. I just saw the metals of the cars fold up before my eyes.
Anyhow, my whole point of writing this, is that after I had seen this accident and saw how it affected the people, I was so grateful for my little girl and so grateful that we had not been 30 feet ahead or we could have possibly been hit as well.
Thank heavens for little miracles!